First Post!! :O

So I’ve been kinda bored lately/become a bit obsessed with make-up/beauty products and I thought hey, why not write about them?

So a little about me first I guess for those who don’t know me…

My name is Lauren and I’m 20 years old. I am originally from Scotland but grew up in 5 different countries. Due to my international upbringing I have a pretty weird accent. I might post videos one day and you’ll see what I mean. I guess I’m quite a girly girl but I’ve always loved playing sport too. I own a lot of pink things (hence the girly girl-ness). I also study Maths at university which is kinda cool… I guess? And yes, it is reaalllyyy hard. It is also my excuse for why I’m not the greatest writer, so apologies for my probably terrible grammar in the posts to come.

I’ve loved make up from a pretty young age. I don’t really have many other artistic or creative outputs so I guess I like that I can do that everyday with make up. And I guess like most girls, I like to feel good. Make up to me has never really been about covering up my face but more about enhancing my favourite features and just having fun with it.

So I hope you enjoy my blog. I hope to post things like reviews, tips, general opinion on things, maybe even tutorials on here. As the name suggests it will mostly be about make up and other beauty products but once in a while I might post about something else entirely. We’ll just have to see.

Happy reading =)

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